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Is my roof suitable for solar panels?

Roof suitability

Generally most roofs are suitable for solar panel systems subject to inspection, especially new build properties. This is checked on our free solar survey for peace of mind and clarity. Some older properties require some additional works prior to having a solar system mounted on the roof. This can usually be checked by any roof specialist or builder.

Ground-mounted solar panel systems are becoming increasingly popular. Ground solar panels are great if your roof isn’t suitable but you have garden space.

What if my roof is not suitable?

Ground-mounted solar panel systems are becoming increasingly popular. Ground solar panels are great if your roof isn’t suitable but you have garden space.

How do I stop birds from nesting on my panels?

Preventing birds from sheltering underneath your solar panels is far easier than removing the mess and damage they cause. A build-up of nesting materials, feathers, and droppings can block light from reaching parts of a panel, reducing its efficiency.

Birds can even use the cabling to build a nest and the weight can pull the cables out. It’s against the law to disturb most bird eggs, nests, or young, so you can only remove them once the breeding season is over. Fortunately, there are easier ways to deter birds from your panels that don’t compromise your manufacturers guarantee: